What is God’s Will?

So often the seeker wonders, “What is God’s will for me?” Others may pose the question a bit differently: “What is for my soul’s Highest Good? Am I living in accord with my soul’s calling?”
How do we find the answer we seek? If we believe that Spirit is Love and only Love, if we believe that God is supreme, the one and only power in the Universe, then our path to knowing “God’s will” or our knowing “soul’s calling” becomes more clear. The “will of God” or our “soul’s call” is always about loving.
And the call unfolds one choice, one action, at a time.
Is my choice loving? Is the action taken from a place of love? Does my action amplify and magnify love—both love of self and love of others?
If I ask the question, “What would love do (love for myself and others)” what would the answer be?
What is the intention behind my action? Is my intention in accord with my spiritual values?
Is my action kind? Is it generous of spirit, generous of heart and giving?
Is my choice life-affirming and respectful of my life and the lives of others?
Does my choice deepen connection with my Self, with others and God?
Does my action seek to express oneness—acknowledge the divinity in myself and others?
Does my choice challenge me to grow spiritually—cause me to release fear, constriction and judgement of others?
In my choice, do I seek greater understanding of myself and others?
Does my action call me to deepen my embodiment of the divine qualities?
Will my choice deepen my integrity with my soul?
Ultimately, every choice we make and action we take is an opportunity to experience and express more of God/Spirit/Love. And it is unlikely that the choice can be the “wrong” choice if we commit to making this our intention—to experience and express more of the Divine.
Whatever we choose, when our heart is open to ourselves, open to others and open to Life, all roads lead to God’s Love and our embodiment of that Love—and that is the supreme fulfillment of the soul.

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